Úterý 5. března 2024 (aula MENDELU, přenos je možné shlédnout online)/Tuesday, March 5, 2024 (MENDELU Auditorium, also online)
9:00 – 9:15 Zahájení konference v aule, přivítání účastníků, úvodní slovo/Opening of the conference in the hall, welcoming the participants, opening remarks
9:15 – 11:00 První blok vyžádaných přednášek/The first block of requested contributions
Khalili Tilami S. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague): Nutritional value of several commercially important river fish species from the Czech Republic (Khalili Tilami S., Samples, S., Tomáš, Z., Krejsa, J., Másílko, J., Mráz, J.)
Vnučec, I. (University of Zagreb, Croatia): The livestock fund of the Republic of Croatia 10 years after joining the EU (Vnučec, I., Bendelja Ljoljić, D., Dolenčić Špehar, I., Hulak, N., Kos, I.)
Bendelja Ljoljić, D. (University of Zagreb, Croatia): Lactose-free dairy products: a growing market and nutritional advantages (Bendelja Ljoljić, D., Dolenčić Špehar, I., Kos, I., Hulak, N., Vnučec, I.)
Hulak, N. (University of Zagreb, Croatia): A plant-pathogen interactions: a brief insight into a complicated story (Hulak, N., Bendelja Ljoljić, D., Dolenčić Špehar, I., Kos, I., Vnučec, I.)
Kos, I. (University of Zagreb, Croatia): Physical and sensory changes of fresh pork loin during ageing (Kos, I., Hulak, N., Dolenčić Špehar, I., Bendelja Ljoljić, D., Vnučec, I.)
11:00: Vyžádaná přednáška/The special requested lecture
Kos, I. (University of Zagreb, Croatia): The unique aspects of dry-cured ham production in Croatia
Program mezinárodní sekce Food Quality in Digital Age vědeckých pracovníků probíhá pod záštitou:
projektu V4+ (koordinátorka paní doc. Mgr. Soňa Hermanová, Ph.D.)
pana proděkana Agronomické fakulty MENDELU (pan doc. Ing. Daniel Falta, Ph.D.)
Ministerstva zemědělství – Odboru bezpečnosti potravin, EFSA - KNOWLEDGE JUNCTION
moderátoři zahraniční sekce:
assoc. Prof. Ivica Kos, PhD (University of Zagreb/Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Croatia - Hrvatska)
doc. Ing. Miroslav Jůzl, Ph.D. (MENDELU)
“FOOD Quality in Digital Age” – this is the title of an international project prepared by Partners from Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary which received funding from the International Visegrad Fund. The project starts on February 1st, 2023 and will be implemented for 18 months. The amount of funding granted to this initiative is €61,150.00.
The aim of the project is to facilitate the digital transformation in agriculture in general, and food production in particular, in the V4+ region (Visegrad countries and Serbia), by integrating expertise and experience of five regional Universities – each adept at a certain digital food quality evaluation method – and opening this network to cooperation with local & regional stakeholders. The Project Consortium consists of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland) – the Consortium Leader, Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic), University of Belgrade (Serbia), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) and the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (Hungary).
The project ensures support for agricultural and food production sectors. This goal will be achieved through accumulation, sharing and showcasing the newest methods of food quality control which, in turn, will help in maintaining precise production, matching the needs of consumers and minimizing food waste.
As a part of this project, a group of PhD students and researchers from Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia will travel to the Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic) for a study visit (27 February – 2 March 2023) that will include a training on 3D food printing and a networking event. The person responsible for Mendel University’s participation in the project is Soňa Hermanová, Ph.D., Mgr., Assoc. prof. from the Department of Food Technology.
Project activities will include joint scientific research, study visits, exchange of knowledge and practical skills and popularization of various digital methods for food quality control. The project foresees participation of researchers, young researchers, and PhD students.
Anyone interested in taking part in the project activities is invited to contact Prof. Soňa Hermanová.
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.